Bay Area: Do You Know Where Your Water Comes From?

Aug 27, 2021 at 10:40am

Lauren Sommer, Ezra David Romero, Katrina Schwartz

The Bay Area water system is a byzantine patchwork of agencies — more than 50 in all — that provides water to customers. Some are the ones you see on your water bill. Others are middlemen that provide water to local agencies at the wholesale level.

And some of that water makes a long journey. Southern California has the reputation for tapping far-flung sources for its water needs, but the Bay Area is in the same boat.

More than two-thirds of the Bay Area's water supply comes from outside the region, which means in extreme drought years, local water districts are competing with many others around the state for limited supplies.

As we suffer under another dry period, some parts of the Bay Area are experiencing the drought more acutely because of where they get their water. We’re going to break it down for you.

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