Event: Adapting Restoration for a Changing Climate Symposium

Dates: Wed, Feb 2nd 2022 to Thu, Feb 3rd 2022
Location: Virtual symposium (zoom)

On February 2-3, 2022, the Delta Science Program is hosting a symposium on Adapting Restoration for a Changing Climate. This symposium will explore how restoration projects are currently integrating immediate and long-term climate change considerations into their planning and implementation in the San Francisco Bay-Delta and beyond. Sessions will focus on implementation and science at the project level, and the social and political dimensions that shape projects. Talks, panels, and interactive discussions will explore planning, implementation, funding, permitting, collaboration, and communication strategies for climate-adaptive restoration and will emphasize the importance of long-term resilience in the face of uncertainty.

For more information, see the agenda.

Registration for this event can be found here