Local Action for Climate Change Workshop

Mon, Feb 4th 2008, 9:00am - 4:30pm
The Air Resources Board (ARB) staff invites you to participate in a public workshop titled, "Local Action for Climate Change" to discuss actions designed to promote voluntary guidance and protocols for local governments and small businesses to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

The objectives of the workshop are to highlight on-going efforts to reduce GHG emissions; inform participants of current programs and strategies that businesses and governments are using to reduce GHG emissions; and understand the most effective way for ARB to (a) contribute to the development of and endorse voluntary guidance
and protocols to reduce GHG emissions; (b) determine effective strategies to ensure that voluntary guidance is implemented; and (c) receive public input on the Local Action component of the Scoping Plan.

An agenda and additional materials for the workshop will be posted prior to the meeting on ARB's Local Action website (http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/localaction/localaction.htm).