Corona & Twin Peaks Mercury Mine Remediation Presentation

Wed, Dec 7th 2016, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Napa Valley College (Little Theater), 2277 Napa Valley Highway, Napa, Ca. 94558

The Institute for Conservation Advocacy, Research and Education (ICARE) presents:

Speaker: Stephen McCord, President of McCord Environment
Nearly buried in the sands of time, the Inner Coast Range's mercury mining legacy continues to haunt us with scarred landscapes, dangerous mine shafts, and contaminated streams and lakes. In this presentation, Dr. Stephen McCord will describe the scale of the problem today in Napa County, but also share about current activities to monitor conditions, outreach to affected people and clean up contaminated sites.
Stephen McCord is President of McCord Environmental. He has over 20 years of consulting, research and teaching experience addressing water quality concerns throughout California and on four continents. A particular area of focus has been mercury contamination - tracking pollution from sources to impacts, restoring abandoned mine sites, strategic planning, and facilitating stakeholder groups.

More details are availble via link to flier below.