Film "The Future of Food" with Erica Martinsen

Sat, Mar 17th 2007, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
P.I.N.A. (Preserving the Integrity of Napa's Agriculture) and the Carolyn Parr Nature Center present Deborah Koons Garcia's provocative film on genetically engineered crops and the politics behind them. The film shows the impact of such crops on farmers and the environment. Garcia also demonstrates the extent to which a few corporations are consolidating ownership of the nation's food supply. "My goal was to make a film that gave the average person a clear understanding of how genetic engineering works. . . . Once you see it, you'll feel compelled to act, even if that means just changing the kind of food you eat," Garcia stated.

The showing will take place at the Nature Center, 3107 Browns Valley Road. PINA Coordinator Erica Martinsen will attend to answer questions. Martinsen's question and answer session follows the screening, and refreshments will be served. R.s.v.p. to 255-6465, leaving your name and the number in your party. Free to members, a donation of $5 is requested of non-members who attend.