California Bees and Blooms

Thu, Jun 11th 2015, 7:30pm - 8:00pm
St Helena Public Library St Helena, CA

Following the Reception, A Talk/Slideshow by Gordon W. Frankie, UC Berkeley Urban Bee Lab

Honey bees and their terrifying decline have lately been all the buzz. But did you know there are also over 1,600 types of native bees drinking from California’s flowers (4,000 nationwide)? You are likely to find numbers of them in your own garden––if you know what to look for. Learn about the wonderful world of wild bees, their variety, their habits and habitats, how and what they pollinate, and how you can attract them to your garden. Also find out how various urban communities are becoming bee-friendly.

Dr. Frankie is lead author of California Bees and Blooms: A Guide for Gardeners and Naturalists; he is a research entomologist at the University of California, Berkeley. The book will be available for purchase and signing. Both the exhibit and program are provided as part of a Book to Action (State Library) grant.