Perennial and Native Plant Propogation with Steve Konakis

Sat, Nov 4th 2006, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Steve's experience in establishing school and habitat gardens has spurred interesting and innovative ways of thinking about gardening. He is particularly attuned to less toxic pest control methods and ways to incorporate water conservation strategies in a more natural garden. The result: good gardens and good habitats for a wide variety of birds and beneficial insects. Focusing on California native plants best suited to soils and conditions in Napa Valley, Steve will talk about garden maintenance, fall plantings and starting seeds with particular emphasis on propagation of perennial and native plants. Since Fall is the best time to start cuttings, gather seeds and set out native plants, Steve's November hands-on plant propagation workshop promises to be timely as well as fun, informative and productive. Free cuttings and started plants will be available to participants.