Forestry Stewardship Workshop

Sat, Jun 14th 2014, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Glen Oaks, Sonoma

This workshop is intended for present and future owners and managers of forest or woodland properties in Sonoma and Napa Counties. The workshop will have an indoor session in the morning and field tour in the afternoon. The focus will be on forest and watershed health.  Researchers, foresters, firefighters, and watershed and fuels management specialists will present information on the ecology and historical development of the region's forests and discuss management of forest and watershed health, including factors such as wildfire, sudden oak death, excessive erosion, water limitations, insects, and other topics. Agency representatives will describe potential funding streams available to land owners. Legal tools for long-term land conservation will also be introduced. The field tour will emphasize on-the-ground management techniques.


Workshop Agenda 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Indoor and outdoor workshop at Glen Oaks property Drought and how it affects our forests-Steven Swain, UC Cooperative Extension Fire as a Landscape Process-Arthur Dawson, Caerleon Safford, Fire Safe Sonoma Forestland Management Techniques-Jill Butler, CalFire State & Federal Resources-Spokesperson with USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Cost of $15.00 includes class materials and a box lunch.


To register or learn more, contact Steven Swain, UC Cooperative Extension, at (415) 473-4204