Westside Sac IRWM Coordinating Committee Conference Call Meeting

Thu, Mar 20th 2014, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Conference Line: 800-510-5879 Passcode: 385498

Conference Line: 800-510-5879

Passcode: 385498

1. Call Meeting to Order and Introductions-Chris Lee, Solano County Water
2. * Approval of Agenda (Gov. Code 54954.2(B)) **To add an item to the agenda, see note below
3. ***Public comment: This is time reserved for the public to address the Coordinating
Committee on matters not on the agenda
(Gov. Code 54954.3(a))
4. Submittal of Westside Plan to DWR
5. DWR Drought Emergency Funding
6. Call for Projects
7. Discuss next meeting date and location
8. Adjourn


Chris Lee, Principal Water Resources Specialist

Solano County Water Agency
