Mayacamas Forum

Wed, Mar 5th 2014, 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Pepperwood Preserve 2130 Pepperwood Preserve Road Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Our next Mayacamas Forum will be held Wednesday, March 5th from 4-6pm at Pepperwood.
The purpose of the Mayacamas Forum is to bring together individuals and entities who manage land and watersheds in the Mayacamas mountain range to share research and planning developments relevant to the region. 
We will have two focus topics at our next meeting.
First Mike Wilson of CalFire will provide an update on the expansion of their Vegetation Management program and answer questions you may have about how to get involved.
Second we will be facilitating a roundtable discussion to hear how our members have been impacted by this year’s drought: how has it impacted your resources?  How has your management been impacted?
As usual we will leave time for introductions, announcements, ideas for future meeting topics, and updates of interest to those working in the Mayacamas.  If you have anything in particular you’d like on the agenda-please send it to us!

A detailed agenda will be provided a week out from the meeting.
PLEASE RSVP to (or reply to this email) to assist us with a headcount - last minute drop-ins are also welcome.