Hike to Zim Zim Falls

Sat, Feb 22nd 2014, 10:30am - 2:30am
To carpool from Winters, meet at 9 am at the Winters Community Center Parking lot, located at Railroad Avenue and Main Street, behind the gazebo. To carpool from Davis, meet at the Big 5 Sporting Goods parking lot at 8:30. Or, meet at the trailhead on Knoxville Road around 10:40 am.

Hosted by Tuleyome

Join us on a hike to view Zim Zim Falls in the Knoxville Ranch State Wildlife Area. The  trail winds back through a lush valley of oak woodlands. We'll hike to the falls and arrive around noon, have lunch on a small knoll just down the slope from the trail, view the falls in all their splendor until folks want to leave, and hike back down the way we came. The trail crosses the creek 8 or 9 times, so you may want to hike in rubber boots, or wear or bring shoes that can get wet. Round trip 7 miles. This is a mellow trail with very little elevation gain, but the hike is a "Level 3": challenging. To carpool from Winters, meet at 9 am at the Winters Community Center Parking lot, located at Railroad Avenue and Main Street, behind the gazebo. To carpool from Davis, meet at the Big 5 Sporting Goods parking lot at 8:30. Or, meet at the trailhead on Knoxville Road around 10:40 am.  Click here to sign-up online!  Photo by Eric Machleder; used with permission.