Family-friendly waterway cleanup

Sat, Jun 29th 2013, 9:00am - 11:00am
Kennedy Park boat launch. We will clean along the river between the park and the Imola Bridge.

Protect wildlife habitat and the natural beauty and health of our rivers, streams and wetlands. Be part of a growing movement to educate and advocate for reducing litter. How? Simple? Just look about you. When you spot something that doesn't belong, pick it up and put it in its rightful place. In just a few minutes you and your waterkeeper colleagues will be able to look back and see a pristine stretch of waterway.

RSVP: Email Carol. 

SPECIAL NOTES: As always, wear closed shoes, bring a 5 gallon bucket, pair of gloves and some water if it is a hot day.

WAIVER: All volunteers must sign a waiver. Those volunteers under 18 must also have their waiver signed signed by parent or guardian. Click here for the waiver. Print and bring it with you.