Annual Bay Area Watershed Network Meeting

Thu, Feb 21st 2013, 1:00pm - 4:30pm
oakland, ca

DATE: February 21, 2013

TIME: 1:00 -4:30 pm

PLACE: Downtown Oakland close to BART (final location TBD)

The meeting will include a series of presentations from BAWN members on various interesting topics including green infrastructure, restoration tools, funding, current policy issues, and climate change resiliency.


The meeting will also feature a panel presentation from three experts on “Blue Carbon” who will cover the current status on developing a methodology for calculating carbon credits for restoration/conservation projects, examples of work currently underway, where we are on the legislative front, and what all this might mean for the future of Bay Area restoration projects and the BAWN. Please join panelists Stephen Crooks, Climate Change Program Manager at ESA PWA; Karen Gaffney, Stewardship Program Manager at the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District; and Nadine Peterson, Chief Deputy Executive Officer at the California Coastal Conservancy for an informative and thought-provoking discussion on this timely topic.


As always, there will be time following the scheduled presentations for networking.