Where the River Meets the Memory Makers

Thu, Aug 16th 2012, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
First United Methodist Church, Napa 5th & Randolph Street Napa, CA 94559

Where the River Meets the Memory Makers; In conjunction with Friends of the Napa River and to celebrate two brand new books (Napa River Historical Ecology Atlas: Exploring a Hidden Landscape of Transformation and Resilience, and, Memory Bank II: adn Exhibition of Place and People, the photographic catalog), Preservation Napa Valley presents an incredible panel: Director Wendy Ward, photographer Sally Seymour, ecologist Shari Gardner, Frances Proctor (Memory Bank subject) and one more fine mystery panelist. We will talk about two intersecting items: what the Napa River meant to people, how we have changed it, and what it means to us today. And, there is a juncture where land and people meet; who are the folks that transformed this Valley and what are their stories?
