RWQCB to present draft TMDLs for Napa River

Thu, Jul 21st 2005, 1:30pm - 4:30pm
The California Regional Water Quality Control Board will present draft TMDLs for sediment and pathogens in the Napa River.

Draft Agenda:

1. Meeting Format, Objectives, and Agenda Review (1:30-1:40).
2. Background - previous steps, now, and upcoming steps (1:40-2:00).
3. Pathogens (2:00-2:20).
4. Sediment (2:20-2:50).
5. Break (2:50-3:15).
6. Question and Answer Session (3:15-4:15).
7. Meeting wrap-up and next steps (4:15-4:30).

Adjourn: 4:30

Background information:
Draft TMDL reports for pathogens and sediment in the Napa River can be obtained online at: