Photography & Nature - Take only photos, leave only footprints

Sun, May 22nd 2011, 9:00am - 12:00pm
RSVP via e-mail: for more information and directions

Do you want to develop some photographic technique and learn how to take fantastic nature photos? Join Daniel Ng as he guides you how to uniquely capture an image with film or a digital camera. Bring a camera and a sense of wonder.

Guide: Daniel Ng 

STEBBINS COLD CANYON - UC Davis Reserve Nature Outings Program

It is the goal of the NATURE OUTINGS program to offer a diverse schedule to the campus and local communities. We hope you find something of interest, something to help you experience the reserve and continue to develop your relationship with the natural world.

Most outings are interactive and experiential in nature.

In addition to Stebbins Cold Canyon, outings will take place at Bobcat Ranch and on the Cahill property.

NEW Suggested outing donation of $5 per person (or $10 per family) for most outings.

Please RSVP for each outing you are interested in attending. Most outings are limited to 15 participants and fill up quickly.

RSVP via e-mail: Include your name, address, presentation date, phone number and/or e-mail address. Also, indicate whether you need directions.