Recovery of Oiled Birds in the Gulf

Tue, Nov 9th 2010, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Florence Douglas Sr Ctr, 333 Amador, Vallejo

Monthly meeting and program

Jay Holcolm, Director of IBRRC (International Bird Rescue and Recovery Center, Cordelia) will share his personal experience treating & releasing oiled birds in the Gulf (NSAS Event)

Jay Holcolm and 88 of IBRRC's trained wildlife responders spent countless hours treating oiled birds and releasing them back to the wild in a healthy state--by Sept 30, approximately 1235 Pelicans, Gannets and others. Hear Jay's personal experience at our general meeting Nov. 9 at the Florence Douglas Sr Center, 333 Amador, Vallejo. Click here for a map and more information about monthly meetings. Everyone welcome. Refreshments

Cheryl Harris
President, Napa Solano Audubon Society