The secret behavior of bees

Mon, Jul 26th 2010, 10:00am - 5:00pm
55 Presidents Circle Yountville, CA To reach the museum from Highway 29 north, exit the Yountville/California Veterans Home exit. Go west under the freeway on tree-lined California Boulevard to the stop sign at President’s Circle. Turn right at the stop sign and the museum is directly on your right.


Come climb inside a giant traveling beehive and learn the secret behavior of bees. Rob Keller of Napa Valley Bee Company brings his mobile hive to the Napa Valley Museum July 26 through July 29 for visitors to enjoy.

Guests will get a rare glimpse into the internal structure of a hive and watch honey being processed by thousands of bees.

On Thursday, July 29 from 7 to 8 p.m., Keller will discuss the role of bees and agricultural pollination, bee behavior, habitat and hive management.  

Keller’s  Airstream trailer is home to live bees enclosed behind clear panels that make viewing the bees an educational experience. Honey from  Napa Valley will be available to taste at the end of the tour.

The cost of the Thursday, July 29th event is $5 per person, free to members. For more information, contact the Napa Valley Museum at (707) 944-0500 or visit  or  Facebook.