Sat, May 8th 2010, all day
Wurster Hall Auditorium University of California, Berkeley

The 6th Annual


Saturday 08 May 20109, 845a-130p
Wurster Hall Auditorium
University of California, Berkeley

The symposium is free and open to the public, but please RSVP (to to insure you will have coffee and there will be enough food for a light lunch.

This symposium presents results from graduate student research in hydrology applied to environmental restoration and conservation in California. It includes a panel discussion by experienced professionals who comment on the student research papers and the broader themes raised.


845a  Introduction

9:00-9:45  Keynote Talk:
Restoration Nodes and Rehabilitation Corridors on the Napa River and the San Francisco Bay Area
Dr. Andrew Collison

9:45-12:00  Hydrology Student Presentations:

Sea-level Rise: Rethinking the Urban Edge
Brenda Snyder

Panhandle Neighborhoods Storm Water Analysis and Design Study
Conor Henley

Estuarewind: Past and Future Visions of the Berkeley Waterfront
David Dahl

Effectiveness of Channel Bank Protection on Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Levees
Derek Magnuson

Planning Along Tidal Wetlands: Navi Mumbai, India
Mishkat Ahmed

10:30  Coffee Break

Green Streets in North and East Richmond
Claudia Jimenez

Mercury Contamination and Remediation in the Cache Creek Watershed
Nina Fitch

Flow Criteria for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Ecosystem
Rachael Marzion

Analysis of Channel Stability Following Ecological Restoration at Lower Wildcat Creek, North Richmond, California
Scott Stromberg

The Napa River Tributaries Gravel Replenishment Adaptive Management Plan and Pilot Study
Shannon Fiala

Difference in Runoff between Traditional Design and Storage/Infiltration Approach
Xiao Wu

El Cerrito Creek Redesign at Blake Garden
Pedro Pinto, Catherine Sherraden, Karuna Greenberg and Kirsten Dahl

12:00-1:00  Thesis Poster Session & Light Lunch

Anticipatory Management of Carneros Creek, Napa County, California
Julie Beagle

Conjunctive Water Management in the San Joaquin Basin: A Case for Groundwater Management Reform
Josh Pollak

The Big Five: Dam Removal Planning in the California Coast Ranges
Clare O’Reilly

1:00-1:45  Panel discussion
Panelists include: Andy Collison & Jeff Haltiner (Philip Williams and Associates), Barry Hecht (Balance Hydrologics), Pete Downs (Stillwater Sciences), and Matt Kondolf (UC Berkeley)