Deadline to submit for NOAA Open Rivers Initiative

Mon, Nov 16th 2009, all day

NOAA Open Rivers Initiative: The NOAA Open Rivers Initiative (ORI) provides funding and technical expertise for community-driven, small dam and river barrier removals, primarily in coastal states. <br /> <br /> The Federal Funding Opportunity describes the conditions under which applications (project proposals) will be accepted under the ORI and describes criteria under which applications will be evaluated for funding consideration. <br /> <br /> Projects are expected to provide an economic boost for communities, enhance public safety, and improve populations of NOAA trust resources such as striped bass, Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, Atlantic and Pacific salmon, American eel, American shad, blueback herring, and alewife. <br /> <br /> $6 million is available, and typical awards will range from $200,000 to $750,000. Minimum 1:1 non-federal match required. The program funds the removal of obsolete dams and other stream barriers to improve fisheries, enhance public safety and boost local economies through benefits resulting from removal.<br /> <br /> For more, see:<br /><br />