Creek to Bay Cleanup Day!

Sat, Sep 19th 2009, 9:00am - 12:00pm
-- Creek to Bay Cleanup Day --
Coastal Cleanup the "Napa Way"

Saturday, September 19, 2009
9 am to 12 pm

Come out and lend a hand to clean our local waterways

The event is part of the 25th annual California Coastal Cleanup Day , a statewide effort to clean trash and debris from California's coast, bays, creeks, rivers, and lakes. The event is also part of International Coastal Cleanup Day, where thousands of volunteers in all 50 states and 90 countries from around the world take part in the largest waterway and beach cleanup of the year.

In Napa County last year, 598 volunteers collected 6,600 pounds of trash and 5,570 pounds of recyclables.

Approximately 16 miles of waterways were cleaned<>

For more information, visit
To volunteer at any of this year's sites, please call Stephanie at (707)252-4188 x111.