Dry Farming Demonstration & Tour - Sonoma Co.

Wed, Aug 26th 2009, 9:00am - 11:30am
Dry Farming: From the past to the present

Spend the morning learning the history, techniques and tools of dryfarming grapes in Sonoma County. Join Paul Bernier in his vineyard demonstrating these techniques to produce quality hillside Zin and Petite Sirah. These practices are not the only solution to our current water problems but will give you alternatives to turning on the tap. West Dry Creek Rd. Healdsburg.

Additional speakers including Terry Harrison: dryfarmed grapes, apples and pears for 20 years. Dave Runsten, CAFF policy director.

Refreshments served.

$20 per person/$10 for CAFF members

Space is limited Please RSVP by august 24th to:

Directions will be sent with confirmation.

Sponsored by North Coast Chapter Community Alliance with Family Farmers (http://www.caff.org) and Water Stewards.
CAFF is a non profit organization.

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