July 23rd WICC Board Meeting CANCELED

Thu, Jul 23rd 2009, 4:00pm - 6:00pm
The regular meeting of the Watershed Information Center and Conservancy (WICC) Board of Napa County scheduled for Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 4:00pm has been CANCELED. Any items of business for the WICC Board will be rescheduled for the Board's Regular Meeting of August 27, 2009. A meeting notice and agenda for the Board's August meeting will be posted and announced on the WICC WebCenter (http://www.napawatersheds.org) on or by August 21, 2009.

If you have any questions or need additional information about the WICC Board and its activities, please contact:

Jeff Sharp, Watershed Coordinator, 259-5936, jsharp@co.napa.ca.us, or
Patrick Lowe, Secretary of the Board, 259-5937, rlowe@co.napa.ca.us