UC Berkeley - 5th Annual California Water Symposium

Sat, May 9th 2009, 8:45am - 4:00pm
Save the date!

Results from graduate student research in hydrology applied to environmental restoration and conservation in California are followed by a panel discussion in which experienced professionals comment on issues raised by the student research. Panel members include Shay Boutillier (Tahoe Regional Planning Agency), Barry Hecht (Balance Hydrologics), Holly Cronin (Dept Water Resources), Neil Lassettre (Stillwater Sciences), Evan Variano (Civil & Environmental Engineering, UCB).

The symposium begins with a keynote talk by Alex Horner (Civil and Environmental Engineering, emeritus) on 'Innovations in treatment wetlands for copper removal and wildlife habitat'. Student topics include migration barriers, flow and sediment effects on salmon habitat in Alameda, Lagunitas and San Gregorio Creeks, sediment management in reservoirs, rainwater harvesting, green walls, bioremeditaion wetlands, designing stormwater infiltration for the Oakland Coliseum, revising USGS flood frequency curves based on new data, the history of flood control efforts on the Pajaro River and in north Stockton,managing groundwater in the Salina Valley, compilation of new data on energy costs of water transfers, and adapting water systems to climate change.

The symposium is free and open to the public, but please RSVP (to josh.pollak@gmail.com) to insure you will have a program and coffee. Program, abstracts, and panelist bios to be posted next week at http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/WRCA/laep.html