Special Meeting of the Napa County Wildlife Conservation Commission

Mon, Apr 20th 2009, 4:00pm - 6:00pm
The Napa County Wildlife Conservation Commission (WCC) is holding a Special Meeting on April 20th, 2009 at 4 p.m. to review and make recommendations on grant funding allocations of State Department of Fish and Game fine monies. This grant funding opportunity is specifically focused on maintaining ongoing/current local fish and wildlife projects that are facing work shutdowns due to the state grant funding freeze currently in effect. Grant applications are being accepted at this time and are due no later than April 8, 2009. A sample grant proposal application/guidelines are available upon request. Applicants that qualify will be asked to give a brief presentation about their project(s) at the April 20th, Special Meeting.

If you have a project that may qualify and you would like to receive the grant application/guidelines, or additional information, please contact Dan Zador at (707)259-8239 or e-mail dzador@co.napa.ca.us.