Special Meeting of the Napa County Wildlife Conservation Commission

Mon, Mar 16th 2009, 3:00pm - 6:00pm
The Napa County Wildlife Conservation Commission (WCC) is holding a Special Meeting in an effort to address the financial shortfalls of existing local fish and wildlife projects that may be facing work shutdowns due to the state grant funding freeze currently in effect. An agenda item for this meeting will be open to presentations regarding projects that may qualify for this potential funding opportunity. If there is sufficient interest and need, the Commission may then consider a grant funding opportunity specifically focused on maintaining ongoing/current projects that have lost funding and may otherwise be discontinued if their funding needs are unmet. Grant applications that may qualify for the special funding opportunity would then be accepted for consideration at the next WCC meeting. If you have an ongoing/current project that may qualify, or would like additional information, please contact Dan Zador at 707-259-8239 or email dzador@co.napa.ca.us.