Buying Green ...Buying Smart

Wed, Mar 18th 2009, 9:00am - 12:30pm
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Helps Public Agencies
Meet Climate Action and Other Goals

Are you working to shrink your carbon footprint, avoid the use of toxic chemicals, and reduce waste? Learn how Environmentally Preferable or Eco-Purchasing (EPP) can help public agencies meet all of these goals, and save taxpayer dollars through increased efficiency. Attend this timely half-day workshop where local government leaders and EPP experts will discuss the proven benefits of EPP, and provide practical tips for setting up effective Programs.

Topics will include:
- 10 Ways to Make EPP Easy
- Low Hanging Fruit: Products to Prioritize
- Finding green products through State contracts, and other cooperative purchasing opportunities
- Certification programs and other EPP tools and resources
- Take the EPP Challenge: Make a commitment to implement EPP in your jurisdiction.

*Optional Networking Lunch: Following the workshop, stay for an optional networking lunch with our EPP experts.

Workshop Fee: $30 (includes morning refreshments)
*Optional Lunch Fee: $10

Register online:

For more information, please call (510)464-7900