Wildlife Forever Challenge Grants are due January 1, 2009

Thu, Jan 1st 2009, all day
Wildlife Forever Challenge Grants are due January 1, 2009

Grants from Wildlife Forever are targeted for habitat restoration and acquisition, research and management, and educational projects. Special emphasis is placed upon grassroots programs that involve local conservation, sportsmen's or outdoor recreation groups. Wildlife Forever grants are challenge grants, and funds must be matched on at least a one-to-one basis from a third-party donor and sent through Wildlife Forever. Wildlife Forever favors supporting projects in the following areas: Enhancing wildlife and fish populations through acquisition, research, & management; Conserving and enhancing wildlife and aquatic habitat; Promoting wildlife and fish habitat and quality; Watchable Wildlife related projects. Wildlife Forever Challenge Grants are open to all North American wildlife projects by nonprofit conservation organizations and government agencies.

The typical range for these grants is $1,000 to $10,000 dollars, but there is no set grant minimum or maximum. Sportsmen's Challenge Grants are part of a fund designed to help small conservation projects in local communities.

The grant maximum is $2,500 per project. Friends' Challenge Grants are part of a fund designed to help conservation projects on National Wildlife Refuges. "Friends Groups" of specific Refuges are encouraged to apply. The grant maximum is $2,500 per project. Application

Deadlines: January 1st and July 1st of each year.

For more information see: