Watershed Assessment and Monitoring Workgroup

Mon, Dec 8th 2008, 10:00am - 12:30pm
The Bay Area Watershed Network would like to invite all of you who are interested to come to an Assessment and Monitoring Workgroup meeting on Monday, December 8 from 10 am to 12:30 in Hearing Room 2 at Oakland City Hall in downtown Oakland at Ogawa Plaza (between Broadway and Clay Streets and 14th and 15th).

This meeting will focus on identifying the wide range of assessments and monitoring being done in the Bay Area, identifying some current and future needs, reviewing funding options, and discussing recommendations and ways to work collaboratively.

The meeting is an opportunity to meet with and hear from other individuals and groups in the Bay Area that are doing or are interested in doing monitoring and assessment, with the hope that people can identify new partnerships and collaborations for the future. The meeting is open to all who are interested, and we hope to have a wide variety of people involved.

The draft meeting agenda is provided via link below. You will note several panels with very brief presentations — these are meant to provide a snapshot of some of many assessment and monitoring activities.

For more information, contact Dale Hopkins at Dale Hopkins DHopkins@waterboards.ca.gov