Groundwater: California's Real Buried Gold

Wed, Jan 14th 2015, 7:00pm - 9:00pm
St. Albans Church Parish Hall 1501 Washington (at Curtis, one block N. of Solano) Albany, CA

Bay Currents Talks Spring 2015

 Talks on Bay Area nature and environmental issues,

emphasizing positive solutions

Second Tuesdays

 Refreshments 7 PM, talks begin 7:30 PM

Free! Please join us!

Underground, California stores far more water than falls as rain or snow, or can be held in reservoirs. But this hidden treasure has been treated first-come, winner-take-all.

Environmental Attorney Tina Cannon Leahy is Principal Consultant to the California Assembly Committee on Water, Parks, and Wildlife, and the Assembly's primary water law and policy expert. She outlines the value and complexity of groundwater, along with opportunities, in the new Sustainable Groundwater Management Act and Proposition 1, that may help us use it wisely.