Up the River with a Paddle

Sun, Oct 10th 2021, all day
Napa River adjacent to the Trancas Crossing Park from Milliken Creek.

Field trip offered through Land Trust of Napa County.

Further information regarding location and time will be provided upon registration.

October 10: Up the River with a Paddle

Leader: Joe Cucco
Rating: Easy, 2 miles

Join us for a late afternoon exploration of the Napa River adjacent to the Trancas Crossing Park from Milliken Creek to beyond the upper reaches of the tidal influence. Be prepared to navigate around submerged rocks and snags and avoid branches over the water as we see just how far we can go.

Participants must supply their own canoe or kayak.


Field Trip registration closes three (3) days prior to the event date.

Please note that minors will need to be accompanied by an adult, and will need to provide a signed minor waiver to participate.

Registration for this event can be found here