Deep Dive: Shifts in Land Management Part 2

Tue, Mar 2nd 2021, 10:00am - 11:00am
Online Zoom Meeting

How should we manage public land in California? Join us for the second part of this two-semester event series that seeks to explore the many facets of this question. In this first part of this two-part series, we talked about the major themes in the history of California land management, the philosophy of why that management was chosen, and its effects on California’s land. We used Yosemite and the Fairfield Osborn Preserve as case studies to illustrate all of this. Now, in this second part, hear James answer the question of where he thinkgs we should go from here with California's land management. Or rather, given all that has happened, how does he believe we should approach land management today

Leader: James Peterson, Graduate Student, Cultural Resources, Sonoma State University

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No previous experience or knowledge required. This is event is recommended for ages 14 and up. Zoom meeting details will be sent to you upon registration. If you have not used Zoom before, please allow time to download and install the application before the event. Please log-in a few minutes early, as it may take more than one attempt if servers are busy.